This guide will help you find your billing descriptor and ARN on Stripe. These are required on Chargeback in order for you to start receiving alerts.
We'll begin with helping you find your descriptor.
Follow along with the video or look below for written instructions (with screenshots) to find your descriptor.
Follow these steps to find your billing descriptor with Stripe:
1. Log into your Stripe Dashboard
2. Access Settings and Business Settings
Click the cog icon (usually located in the top right or sidebar).
Scroll down and select Business settings.
3. Locate Public Details
Within Business Settings, find the Public Details or Public business information section.
4. View your Statement Descriptors
You'll see fields for:
1. Statement descriptor: This is the primary descriptor that appears on customer card statements.
2. Shortened descriptor: This is a shorter version that may be used if there is not enough space on the statement to display the full descriptor.
Uses only Latin characters.
Has 5 – 22 characters.
Contains at least one letter.
If using a prefix and a suffix, both require at least one letter (e.g., PETastic)
Do not use the following special characters: <, >, \, ‘, “, and *.
Reflects your Doing Business As (DBA) name (e.g., Tims Hawaiian Shirts).
Contains more than a single standard term or common website URL. A website URL is only acceptable if it provides a clear and accurate description of a transaction on a customer’s statement.
How to find ARNs with Stripe
Here is how to find ARNs on Stripe for refunds:
ARNs will begin with '7' or '2'.
Find them under refunds done with Visa cards.
You can find ARNs on partially refunded orders.
1. Log into your Stripe Dashboard
2. Navigate to Payments
In the sidebar or top navigation, click on Payments. This will show you a list of transactions.
3. Locate the Refund
Find the ARN code for the specific refund you want. Search by order number or amount or filter by refunds to make this easier.
4. Click on the Refund
Click on the individual refund to view its detailed information.
5. Click View Details
The Acquirer Reference Number (ARN) should be displayed within the refund details. Look for labels like "ARN", "Acquirer Reference Number", or "Refund ID".
Source: Stripe support
Stripe ARN Status Meanings
ARN is Available: The ARN will display within a refund on your dashboard.
ARN Isn’t Available: If ARN is not supported for the refund, you cannot see it.
ARN is Processing (Default Status): The refund has not yet been processed.
What If I Don't Have Any Visa Refunds?
If you don't have many refunds, or if all of your refunds are from Mastercard purchases, you'll want to follow either of these steps:
Do x4 1 USD refunds with Visa cards on Stripe
Reach out to Stripe's customer support and send them something along the lines of:
Hey, can you please give me my Visa BIN (bank identification number) and CAID (card account identifier) for this account? I need it for my rapid dispute resolution enrollment.
We can also use BINs and CAIDs to help identify your account. You will need to reach out to us to provide both numbers.
💡 Tip
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